We are pleased to invite you to the National Immunology Congress with international participation, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Bulgarian Association of Clinical Immunology, which will be held at Kings' Valley Hotel, Kazanlak, Bulgaria, from 02 to 05 October 2025.

    The Bulgarian Association of Clinical Immunology was established in 2005 and during this time has managed to generate a large and collaborative network of physicians, biologists and scientists working in the field of clinical immunology, which has established itself as a major medical specialty.

    The aim of the Congress is to provide a stimulating and lively forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge clinical and basic science research and its practical application in patient care. 

    Sessions include presentations by leading researchers who are setting the trends in the future development of immunological and medical science today. We look forward to interesting discussions on key issues facing physicians and scientists in the field of clinical immunology and related other medical disciplines, as well as issues in health care in general. The scientific programme also focuses on the challenges and benefits of the new diagnostic tools available and the therapeutic options for personalised treatment of patients with immune-mediated diseases.

    We look forward to welcoming you to Kings' Valley Hotel, Kazanlak, Bulgaria!

    Bulgarian Association of Clinical Immunology (BACI)
    Organizing committee:
    Chairman: Prof. Elisaveta Naumova, MD
    Prof. Mariyana Murdjeva, MD Assoc. Prof. Emiliyana Konova, MD
    Prof. Maria Nikolova, MD Assoc. Prof. Snezhina Mihaylova, MD

     Scientific committee:

    Prof. Radostina Aleksandrova, MD (Bulgaria) Prof. Anastasia Mihaylova, MD (Bulgaria)
    Prof. Iskra Altankova, MD (Bulgaria) Prof. Viktoria Sarafyan, MD (Bulgaria)
    Prof. Marta Baleva, MD (Bulgaria) Prof. Trifon Chervenkov, (Bulgaria)
    Prof. Margarita Genova, MD (Bulgaria) Prof. Andrey Churbanov, (Bulgaria)
    Prof. Dobroslav Kyrkchiev, MD (Bulgaria) Prof. Günnur Deniz, (Turkey)



    1. Important dates: 
    • Early registration for participants in the Congress – till July 10, 2025;
    • Standard registration for participants in the Congress – from July 11, till September 02, 2025;
    • Late registration for participants in the Congress from September 03, 2025 and on spot;
    • Official Opening Session of the Congress - October 02, 2025 – 09:00 h, Kings' Valley Conference Hall;
    • Gala Dinner – October 04, 2025 – 20:00 h, Kings' Valley Ballroom  

    2. Accreditation:

    All participants in the Congress will be granted a Certificate for participation.

    3. Official language: 
    Bulgarian and English
    There will be no simultaneous translation.

    4. Application for participation in the Congress:

    5. Payment conditions:

    All reservations will be valid for 5 working days, during which period the actual payment should be made. If not the reservation will be automatically cancelled without prior notice.

    Upon cancellation of hotel accommodation or / and registration fee before June 30, 2025, the full amount of the payment shall be reimbursed. Upon partial or full cancellations, or changes made from July 01, 2025 – no amount will be reimbursed.

    Bank transfer tax of 10 EUR will apply additionally for all payments. All bank charges for the bank transfer should be on behalf of the sender.

    October 2, 2025

    15:00 - 18:00 Participant Registration
    15:00 - 16:30 Official opening. Scientific Session I
    16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break
    17:00 - 18:30 Scientific Session II
    19:00 - 21:00 Welcome Reception

    October 3, 2025

    09:00 - 10:30 Scientific Session III
    10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
    11:00 - 13:00 Scientific Session IV
    13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break
    14:00 - 16:00 Scientific Session V
    16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
    16:30 - 18:00 Scientific Session VI
    18:00 - 19:00 Company Presentations/Symposia

    October 4, 2025

    09:00 – 10:30 Scientific Session VII

    10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

    11:00 – 13:00 Scientific Session VIII

    13:00 – 14:00 Company Presentations/Symposia

    14:00 – 15:30 Scientific Session IX

    15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break

    16:00 – 17:00 Scientific Session X

    17:00 – 19:00 Poster Session

    20:00 – 23:00 Gala Dinner

    October 5, 2025

    08:30 – 11:30 Training Session. Official closing

    11:30 – 12:00 Check-out hotel rooms and departure.



    REGISTRATION FEE Paid until  10th of July
    Paid from 11th of July until
    2nd of September 2025
    Paid after 2nd of September 2025 and on spot
    Registration fee - Non-members of BACI 128 EUR 159 EUR 189 EUR
    Registration fees include:
       • Access to scientific sessions and coffee breaks;
       • Access to sponsors area;
       • Delegate materials;
       • Certificate for participation;
       • Welcome Reception.
     Additional payment for Gala Dinner on 04th of October in Kings' Ball Room 

    70 EUR

    HOTEL ACCOMMODATION - Kings' Valley Hotel, Kazanluk
    Room type Price for single room/
    per night
    Price for double room/
    per night
    Superior room - 1 night + breakfast 144 EUR 166 EUR

    Superior room - 1 night + breakfast + dinner

     174 EUR

      226 EUR

    Prices are per room and include: wi-fi, tourist tax and VAT.
       • Check-in: after 3 PM;
       • Check-out: until 12 AM.


    The second person is:*
    - If you do not have any dietary requirements, please choose standard menu.
    - For dietary requirements or problems, please select a special diet and give us more details.

    After sending the request, you will receive an Invoice, the amount of which you must pay to the following account:

    WASTEELS - Bulgaria EOOD
    UBB Bank 
    IBAN: BG03UBBS81551437752800


       • You will receive a confirmation of your registration for participation in the Congress within 5 working days of sending your request. If you don’t receive confirmation within 5 working days, please contact the Official Congress Agent at tel: 00359 2 931 11 17 or mobile: 00359 888 502 481 – Mariela Kanarova
       • The registration is valid for 5 working days, during which period the actual payment must be made. If this condition is not met, the registration will be cancelled without notice by the Official Congress Agent. 
       • Upon cancellation request until June 30, 2025 inclusive, the payment of registration fee/hotel accommodation will be refunded. Upon full or partial cancellation request of registration fee/hotel accommodation from July 01, 2025 no refund is possible.

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    If you would like to participate with a sponsorship package in theNATIONAL CONGRESS OF IMMUNOLOGY WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION 20 years Bulgarian Association of Clinical Immunology, we kindly ask you to send us an email at After that you will receive an additional information with all the necessary details.

    Main topics:
    Immune Deficiencies; Experimental Immunology;
    Autoimmunity; Reproductive Immunology;
    Infections and Immunity; Allergies;
    Immuno-oncology; Immunomodulation and Vaccination Prophylaxis;
    Transplantation Immunology  

    Participation with oral presentation or poster:
    Deadline for abstracts submissionJune 01, 2025. The authors will receive confirmation for participation in the scientific program both with oral presentation or poster till June 20, 2025.
    Posters will be electronic and presented in the Poster session on October 4th. 


    Way of presenting the resume:
    Scientific themes:

    Abstract requirements

    • To be debeloped in Bulgarian and English. Approved abstracts will be published on the website immediately before the opening of the Congress.
    • Approved abstracts will be published in the Bulgarian Journal of Clinical Immunology and papers presented at the conference will be accepted for publication after peer review.
    • The title of the abstract should be in CAPITAL LETTERS (bold) and should include no more than 20 words reflecting its content; no abbreviations should be used.
    • Author details should include: three names, place of work, city, country. The name of the author who will be presenting the paper should be underlined.
    • The abstract should not exceed 250 words, Arial font, size 10, 1.5 line spacing.
    • The abstract should be as informative as possible and structured in 4 parts: Aim of the study, Material and methods, Results, Conclusion (please avoid general expressions such as "results are to be discussed").
    • Please use common abbreviations in the abstract text. For specific terms that need to be abbreviated, use the full name when first used in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
    • The abstract may include 1 table with a maximum size of 10 rows x 10 columns.
    • A graph or figure included in the abstract counts for 50 words. Maximum size of graphics 600(x) x 800(h) pixels. Figures shall be in JPG, GIF or PNG format.
    • Please note at the end of the abstract in Bulgarian:
    • contact details including: name, full address, contact telephone number during office hours, e-mail address (required)
    • Please strictly follow the requirements for abstracts.
    • You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt of the abstract e-mail at the e-mail address from which it was sent; it is recommended that this be the e-mail address of the author indicated for correspondence. If you do not receive such a confirmation, please report to:
    • Abstract submission deadline 1 June 2025.  After this deadline, submitted titles will not be considered or discussed.
    • Deadline for confirmation of the type of participation in the scientific program by 20 June 2025.


    One file only.
    40 MB limit.
    Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

    Confirmation for accepted abstracts will be send to the Lead author of the research via e-mail till June 20, 2025.