XVIII Training Course on ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology (header)

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The XVIII Training course on ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology with international participation will be Astoria Grand hotel from 8th till 10th of  November 2024.

    1. Organiser:


    Organizing and Scientific Committee:
    Prof. Violeta Dimitrova, MD
    Prof. Dimiter Markov, MD
    Prof. Asen Nikolov, MD
    Prof. Roumen Dimitrov, MD
    Elena Pavlova, MD

    2. Important Dates:

    Early Registration in the Course until July 31st, 2024
    Late Registration in the Course from August 1st, 2024 until October 31st, 2024
    On-site Registration from November 1, 2024 and on-site
    Official Opening of the Course November 08, 2024
    Closing Session of the Course November 10, 2024

    The expected number of delegates is more than 200 specialists from Bulgaria and abroad.

    Full information for the Course is published in Bulgarian language.


    3. Application for participation in the Course:


     4. Payment conditions and cancellation:

     Bank account for money transfers in euro:
    WASTEELS-Bulgaria EOOD
    UBB Bank Bulgaria
    IBAN: BG03UBBS81551437752800 BIC: UBBSBGSF

    All booking requests are valid for 5 business days during which the actual payment should be made. Failure to comply with this condition will void the reservation without notice from the organizer.
    Upon request for cancellations of hotel accommodation and / or registration fee up to September 20, 2024 inclusive, the full amount of the payment will be refunded. With partial or complete cancellations after September 21, 2024, amounts are not refunded.

    Bank transfer tax of 10.00 EUR will apply for non-EU countries for all payments. All bank charges for the bank transfer should be on behalf of the sender. 


    For additional information:
    Wasteels-Bulgaria – Official Agent
    Contact Person: Kristina Koleva, mobile: + 359 885 305 050 or е-mail: events@wasteels.bg



    09 ноември 2024

    07:30 – 16:00       Регистрация участници

    09:00 – 11:00       Втора научна сесия

    11:00 – 11:30       Кафе пауза

    11:30 – 13:00       Трета научна сесия

    13:00 – 14:00       Обяд

    14:00 – 16:00       Четърта научна сесия

    16:00 – 16:30       Кафе пауза

    16:30 – 18:30       Пета научна сесия

    19:00 – 23:00  Официална вечеря 

    10 ноември 2024

    09:00 – 12:00     Шеста научна сесия. Закриване на курса

    Astoria Grand Hotel, Sofia